Thursday, March 5, 2015

Morgan and Morgan


Eating the wrong type or the wrong amount of food can be very bad for your guppies’ health.

This not only includes classic “fish food” that you can buy at pet stores, but also additional traits that you can use to supplement your guppies’ diet.

You can feed your guppies standard “fish flakes” as the foundation of their diet, though it’s always a good idea to supplement this flake food with other things, such as live or freeze-dried foods [more on this later!]

The best kind of flaks food to buy for guppies would be a tropical flake food designed to enhance their color.

While flaks foods are the core guppie food, you should also feed your guppies other foods to ensure they have a healthy, varied diet. This includes vegetables, live foods and freeze-dried foods.

Popular live or freeze-dried include:

>Brine Shrimp
>Blood worms

Male guppies have a tendency to harass females. They chase them around the tank constantly and display their colors in front of the females in an attempt to mate.

Unfortunately, all this attention can make the female guppy fish very stressed an important part of guppy fish care is therefore to keep more females guppies in your tank than males. The Males will then divide their attention between the females rather than chasing one female all of the time., Which can lower their immune system and make them ill.

In order to stop your female guppies from getting stressed by too much male attention, we suggest sticking to guppy male to female ratio of 2:1. In other words, two female guppies for each male guppy.

A 2:1, male to female ratio means that each male guppy fish has two females to pursue. This allows one female to have a break while the male chases the other female!